Payment Forms
We accept cash, checks, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express), or money orders.
When paying in cash it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain a receipt. In case of any discrepancies regarding cash payments, we will not be able to honor cash payments not documented by a receipt.
There will be an additional charge of $25 in any circumstance where your bank does not honor your check. After two returned checks, all subsequent payments must be made by cash, credit card, or money order.
You will receive an invoice statement via email 3-5 day prior to the tuition due date during our 2024-2025 dance term August 1st-May 1st. Tuition is based on a 36 week dance year and is calculated to stay consistent regardless of absence , inclement weather, holidays, vacation, school closers and length of the dance month.
Tuition is due by the 1st of each month and is considered late after the 10th. Late fees of $25 are automatically added by the computer software on accounts that are 10 days late. Family discounts are applied: 5% off tuition.
Accounts more than one month delinquent will be frozen and the student may not be allowed participate until the account is brought current.
There are no refunds for registration fees, tuition, costume fees, or performance fees, FOR ANY REASON.
30-Day Written Drop Notice" is required to drop from our program. The notice must be received before the 1st of the month prior to the month dropping. Notices received after the 1st week of classes will not be processed until the 1st week of the following month and will take effect the following month. i.e. client expecting to stop classes in September must give a 30 day drop notice by August 01 to avoid September tuition.
There is a withdraw payment of $500 for Upper Division Students who drop after November 1st and $150 in our Children’s after January 1st. Dance Studio 150 produces 2 full productions a year and this protects the students and our staff from having big changes during production season.
Recital & Costume Info
Nutcracker Costume Fee for Division 2-6 and Starlight Co. of $85.00 is due by October 1st.
Season 14 Costume and Recital Fee Due: November 15th.
Costume Fees and Recital Fees are ABSOLUTELY NON REFUNDABLE, for any reason, and are due by the agreed payment date above.
Costumes are ordered during the first week of December; therefore costume accounts not paid in full by the dates listed, will not be ordered.
If your child's costume is not ordered at this time, we cannot guarantee that the costumes will be received in time for pictures or the performance.
Additionally, any costume ordered after our initial order has been placed will have an additional charge of $25 per costume to compensate for the extra shipping and ordering costs incurred.
Costume Fees
Recital Fee per student $65 ( discounted to $40 for an additional family member)
Pre-Ballet $80 (Includes 1 ballet costume.)
Divisions 1 and Division 1 Advanced $150 (Includes ballet and jazz costume.)
Upper Division: Division 2-6 $200 Ballet and Jazz. (Please note, this price may vary depending on lead roles. Each costume is $80.00.)
Tap $80